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吕忠 教授

作者: 时间:2023-12-13 点击数:





职称:教授 硕士生导师






20093-2013 5月,东南大学,材料学,工学博士;





1. 国家重点研发计划子课题:水泥窑协同处置废弃物胶凝材料混凝土工程示范应用(2021YFB3802005);

2. 安徽省高校优秀人才支持计划重点项目:胶囊法自修复水泥基材料修复效率模型与优化研究(gxyqZD2021106);

3. 安徽省自然科学基金(面上项目):基于几何概率模型的微胶囊自修复水泥基材料修复效率研究(2008085ME16

4. 国家自然科学基金(青年项目):考虑裂缝-胶囊相遇概率的自修复水泥基材料胶囊掺量研究(51408002);


1. Lv, Z., Chen, H.S. and Yuan, H.F. Quantitative solution on dosage of repairing agent for healing of 3D simplified cracks in materials: short capsule model. Materials & Structures, 2011, 44(5): 987-995.

2. Lv, Z. and Chen, H.S. Analytical models for determining the dosage of capsules embedded in self-healing materials. Computational Materials Science, 2013, 68: 81-89.

3. Lv, Z. and Chen, H.S. Self-healing efficiency of unhydrated cement nuclei for dome-like crack mode in cementitious materials. Materials & Structures, 2013, 46: 1881-1892.

4. Lv, Z., Chen, H.S., Yuan, H.F. Analytical solution on dosage of self-healing agents in cementitious materials: long capsule model. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems & Structures, 2014, 25(1):47-57.

5. Lv Zhong and Chen Huisu. A probabilistic method for determining the volume fraction of pre-embedded capsules in self-healing materials. Smart Materials and Structures, 2014, 23(11):1-13.  

6. Lv, Z, Li, S.P. and Chen, H.S. Analytical model for the probability characteristics of a crack penetrating capsules in capsule-based self-healing cementitious materials. Materials Science, 2017, 23(3): 285-293.

7. 吕忠,陈惠苏,袁海峰. 水泥基复合材料中纤维和裂纹的几何关系及其模拟. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 41(5): 1054-1058.

8. 吕忠, 陈惠苏. 水泥基材料裂缝自主愈合研究进展. 硅酸盐学报, 2014, 42(2):156-168.

9. 吕忠,熊庭倩,陈惠苏. 球形/球柱形微胶囊自修复水泥基复合材料修复效率数值模拟. 硅酸盐学报,2021,49(2): 357-364.

10. Zhong Lv, Junbang Yao, Guojian Cui, Huisu Chen. Geometrical probability of a capsule hitting irregular crack networks: application to capsule-based self-healing materials. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022, 101, 406-419.

11. Zhong Lv, Mengyan Shi, Jing Yuan, Depeng Chen, Minglei Guo, Tengfei Xiang and Huisu Chen. A probability characteristic of crack intersecting with embedded microcapsules in capsule-based self-healing materials. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials 2023; 30: 20220207.

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