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张会文 副教授

作者: 时间:2023-03-01 点击数:


姓名: 张会文

学位: 博士

职称: 副教授





1. 本科:2006/09-2010/07,304am永利集团,3044am永利集团3044noc给水排水工程

2. 硕士:2010/09-2013/06,河海大学,环境学院环境科学与工程专业

3. 博士:2013/09-2016/06,河海大学,环境学院市政工程专业

4. 工作经历:2016/06-至今,3044am永利集团3044noc市政工程系任教


1. 有机固体废弃物资源能源化利用

2. 高浓度工业废水生化性能预处理优化

3. 环境面源有机污染控制


安徽省科技专家库评审专家,担任Bioresource TechnologyJournal of Hazardous MaterialsJournal of Cleaner ProductionChemosphereSCI期刊审稿人


1. 国家自然科学基金: 微囊藻生物质中磷元素在超临界水气化反应中的过程转化与调控机理(51808003),主持/完成

2. 安徽省自然科学基金: 催化作用引导的含酚废水超临界水氧化反应产氢促进与酚类调控(1808085QE175),主持/完成

3. 教育部工程研究中心自主研究开发课题:水热预处理与生物膜法联用处理含酚废水/废弃物的工艺及装备研发(BWPU2022ZY02),主持/在研

4. 专利成果转化:球形二氧化钛催化剂及用于以蓝藻为原料通过超临界水气化制取氢气的用途,主持/在研


1. 张会文,中国水利学会, 中国水利学会2015学术年会优秀论文奖, 2015

2. 张会文(5/6), 泥处理技术研发及大规模产业化应用, 中国产学研合作促进会, 中国产学研创新成果奖, 2013


1. 学术论文

  1. Jiangya Ma, Bangtao Jia, Sha Li, Yanli Kong*, Yong Nie, Huiwen Zhang*, Meng Xiao, Tian Gao. Enhanced coagulation of covalent composite coagulant with potassium permanganate oxidation for algae laden water treatment: Algae and extracellular organic matter removal [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, 2023, 13: 100427.

  2. Huiwen Zhang*, Zhang Ling, Wenya Li, Runhao Zhang, Miao Gong. Biodegradability enhancement of phenolic wastewater using hydrothermal pretreatment [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2022: 128199. (IF=11.889)

  3. Huiwen Zhang, Runhao Zhang, Wenya Li, Zhang Ling; Wen Shu, Jiangya Ma, Yujie Yan*. Agricultural waste-derived biochars from co-hydrothermal gasification of rice husk and chicken manure and their adsorption performance for dimethoate, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 429: 128248. (IF=14.224)

  4. Zhang, Runhao, Miao Gong, Yujie Yan, Jiangya Ma, Huiwen Zhang*. "The Transformation and Regulation of Phosphorus in Model Compound and Waste Biomass from Hydrothermal Conversion [J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10(6): 108754. (IF=7.968)

  5. Huiwen Zhang, Runhao Zhang, ZhangLing, Wenya Li, Yujie Yan, Miao Gong, Jiangya Ma. Partial oxidation of phenolic wastewater using NaOH and Ni addition for hydrogen production and phenolics degradation in supercritical water [J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 268: 118685. (IF=7.312)

  6. 张会文*, 代晓炫, 姜伟, 刘玉东, 杨勇. 市政污泥的水热反应减量化及水分赋存形态研究[J]. 中国给水排水, 2021, 37(7): 96-100. (CSCD)

  7. Huiwen Zhang*,Xiaoman Zhang, Runhao Zhang, Lei Ding. Partial oxidation of phenol in supercritical water with NaOH and H2O2: Hydrogen production and polymer formation [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 722: 137985. (IF=7.963)

  8. Huiwen Zhang*, Xiaoman Zhang, Runhao Zhang, Lei Ding. Formation and inhibition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from the gasification of cyanobacterial biomass in supercritical water [J]. Chemosphere, 2020, 253:126777. (IF=7.086)

  9. Huiwen Zhang*, Miao Gong, Lei Ding, Ying Su. Energy recovery and phosphorus phase behaviour from catalytic gasification of cyanobacterial biomass in supercritical water. Biomass and Bioenergy, 2020, 134: 105477. (IF=5.061)

  10. Lei Ding, Changjin Guo, Yunhua Zhu, Jiangya Ma, Yanli Kong, Meiying Zhong, Qiongxi Cao, Huiwen Zhang*. Adsorptive removal of gallic acid from aqueous solution onto MIEX resin [J]. Water Science and Technology, 2020. 80(7): 1479-1493. ( IF=1.915)

  11. Huiwen Zhang*, Xiaoman Zhang, Lei Ding, Jiangya Ma, Yanli Kong. Characteristics of Cyanobacterial Biomass Gasification in Sub- and Supercritical Water[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33: 3239-47. (IF=3.605)

  12. Huiwen Zhang*, Xiaoman Zhang, Lei Ding, Miao Gong, Ying Su Shengwei Wang.  Polymerization and oxidation of phenols in supercritical water [J]. Water Science & Technology, 2019, 80(4): 620-633. (IF=1.915)

  13. 张会文*, 张晓曼, 孙淑雲, 肖航, 李敏, 张春雷, 周海云. 微囊藻生物质性质对超临界水气化产氢的影响[J]. 环境科学与技术, 2019, 42(1): 127-133. (CSCD)

  14. 张会文*, 张晓曼, 孙淑雲, 肖航, 李敏, 杨帆, 周海云. 微囊藻生物质超临界水气化反应的产氢优化[J]. 中国给水排水, 2019, 35(7): 72-76. (CSCD)

  15. Huiwen Zhang*, Xiaoman Zhang. Phase behavior and stabilization of phosphorus in sub- and supercritical water gasification of cyanobacteria [J]. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2017, 130: 40-46. (IF=4.577)

  16. Huiwen Zhang, Wei Zhu*, Miao Gong, Yujie Fan. Influence of alkali catalysts on the supercritical water gasification of Cyanobacteria[J]. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2016.25(2): 633-640. (IF=0.691)

  17. Huiwen Zhang*,Wei Zhu, Miao Gong, Zhirong Xu. Influence of alkali additions on gasification and phosphate recovery of cyanobacteria in supercritical water[J]. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2016, 25(12a): 5765-5772. (IF=0.691)

  18. 张会文*, 蔡勇, 仇荣, 周钧, 刘敏昊, 朱伟. 江苏农村河道治理现状调查及分析[J]. 水资源保护, 2015, 31(1): 69-73. (EI)

  19. Huiwen Zhang, Wei Zhu*,Zhirong Xu, Miao Gong. Gasification of Cyanobacteria in Supercritical Water[J]. Environmental Technology, 2014. 35(22): 2788-2795. (IF=3.247)

  20. 张会文*, 朱伟, 包建平, 魏代伟, 舒实. 污泥原位固化-稳定化处理中试研究[J]. 环境工程, 2014, 08: 101-104. (CSCD)

  21. Huiwen Zhang, Wei Zhu, Zhirong Xu, Miao Gong. Distributions of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the Products from SCWG of Cyanobacteria [C]. 1st International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection, 2012. 518-523:326-331. (EI)

2. 发明专利

  1. 张会文; 张润毫; 李文雅; 凌张; 朱正飞; 马江雅; 颜庭轩; 闫玉杰; 聂勇; 高原; 张芙; 靳奥 ; 一种改性污泥基水热炭及用于污泥脱水后焚烧的用途, 2021-4-29, 中国, 202110476707.X (发明,授权)

  2. 张会文; 张晓曼; 丁磊; 颜庭轩; 马江雅; 孔艳丽 ; 一种藻水分离站蓝藻藻泥制备生物质活性炭并用于尾水藻毒素吸附的用途, 2019-9-16, 中国, 201910868679.9  (发明,授权)

  3. 张会文; 朱伟; 颜庭轩; 丁磊; 马江雅; 张晓曼 ; 球形二氧化钛催化剂及用于以蓝藻为原料通过超临界水气化制取氢气的用途 , 2017-06-26, 中国, 201710496972.8  (发明,授权,已转化)

  4. Wei Zhu; Miao Gong; Huiwen Zhang; Jianping Bao; Qian Ma; Ying Su; Yujie Fan ; Composite catalyst for preparing hydrogen by supercritical water gasification of low-moisture-content dehydrated sludge and application of composite catalyst, 2017-05-18, WIPO, PCT/CN2015/082494 (专利)

  5. Wei Zhu; Jianping Bao; Pei Xin; Huiwen Zhang; Daiwei Wei; Shi Shu; Yiyan Lv; Silin Wu ; Desalination method by using sludge to improve topsoil of a saline and alkaline land, 2016-01-04, WIPO, PCT/CN2016/070028 (专利)

  6. 朱伟; 张会文; 龚淼; 李明; 包建平; 肖曼; 代晓炫 ; 以蓝藻藻液的超临界水气化产物回收氮磷的装置及方法, 2017-07-11, 中国, CN201410787213.3 (专利)

3. 学术报告

  1. 张会文; 农业废弃物源富磷水热炭吸附性能及碳氮元素平衡的影响, 2021年全国有机固废处理与资源化利用高峰论坛, 成都, 2021-5-152021-5-16 (会议报告)

  2. 张会文; 蓝藻超临界水气化反应及磷的转化机制, Agenda of 2014 Qingdao International Conference on Desalination and Water Reuse, Qingdao, 2014-6-92014-6-12 (会议报告)

  3. 张会文; Distributions of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the Products From SCWG of Cyanobacteria, 1st International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection, ICEEP 2012, Hohhot, 2012-6-232012-6-24 (会议报告)


1. 学术型硕士:市政工程

2. 专业型硕士:土木工程 (市政工程方向)




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