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王育来 副教授

作者: 时间:2019-01-14 点击数:




职称:副教授 硕士生导师





1. 2001.09-2005.06  安徽建筑大学,给水排水工程专业,本科

2. 2005.09-2008.06 北京师范大学,环境工程专业,硕士

3. 2008.08-2010.08  同晔咨询有限公司,工程师

4. 2010.09-2014.03 同济大学,环境科学专业,博士

5. 2014.06-至今 304am永利集团,讲师,副教授


1. 水环境生物地球化学和污染水体

2. 土壤等自然环境生态修复技术


1. 国家科技重大专项课题:多元重污染小流域综合治理技术集成及应用推广(2017-2020),课题技术负责人;

2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金:城市尾水排放对受纳水体溶解有机质组成及其生物有效性影响机制(2017-2019),项目负责人;

3. 安徽省教育厅重点项目:城市黑臭水体形成机制及其长效调控技术研究(2016-2017),项目负责人;

4. 国家重大专项项目:巢湖市景观水体水质强化净化与原位生态修复及污泥稳定化与资源化利用技术研究(2014-2017),技术骨干;

5. 教育部重点实验室自主课题:污水处理厂EfOM化学组成特征及其对城市河流水质、水生态影响研究(2015-2016),项目负责人;

6. 国家海洋局项目:朱家尖海岛及周边海域水体生态环境调查(2016),项目负责人;

7. 国家海洋局项目:朱家尖海岛及周边海域沉积物与土壤环境调查(2016),项目负责人;


1. 主要论文(含教改论文)

[1] Wang Y., Hu Y., Yang C., et al., Variations of dom quantity and compositions along wwtps-river-lake continuum: implications for watershed environmental management. Chemosphere, 2019. 218: 468~476.

[2] Wang Y., Hu Y., Yang C., et al., Effects of vegetation types on water-extracted soil organic matter(WSOM) from riparian wetland and its impacts on riverine water quality: Implications for riparian wetland management , Science of the Total Environment, 2018. 628-629: 1249~1257.

[3] Wang Y., Yang C., Zou L., et al. Optical characteristics and chemical composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in a riparian soil using EEM fluorescence spectroscopy and mass spectrometry.Applied Spectroscopy. 2015,69 (5): 623-634

[4] Wang Y., Yang C., Li J., et al. Spatial distribution and fluorescence properties of soil dissolved organic carbon across a riparian buffer wetland in Chongming Island, China.Pedosphere. 2015, 25(2): 220–229.

[5] Wang, Y.,Yang, C., Li, J., Shen, S., The chemical composition and source identification of soil dissolved organic matter in riparian buffer zones from Chongming Island, China. Chemosphere. 2014, 111: 505-512.

[6] Yang C.,Wang Y.,Wang M., et al.Plant species influence microbial metabolic activity and butachlor biodegradation in a riparian soil from Chongming Island, China.Geoderma. 2013, 193-194(2): 165-171.

[7] Yang C.,Wang Y., Li J.. Plant species mediate rhizosphere microbial activity and biodegradation dynamics in a riparian soil treated with Bensulfuron-methyl. Clean – Soil, Air, Water, 2011, 39 (4), 338–344.

[8] Quan X.,Wang Y., Xiong W., et al. Description of microbial community structure of sediments from the Daliao River water system and its estuary (NE China) by application of fluorescence in situ hybridization. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2010, 61(8):1725-1734.

[9] Yang C.,Wang Y., Li J.. Microbial ecophysiological response to bensulfuron-methyl and biodegradation in three different vegetated riparian soils. In Proceedings: International Conference on Energy and Environmental Technology. Borrego Publishing LLC, USA, 2010.

[10] Yang, C., Jing Y.,Wang, Y..Rhizospheric denitrification potential and related microbial characteristics affected by secondary salinization in a riparian soil.Geomicrobiology Journal.2015, 32(7):624-634

[11] Shen, S., Yang, C.,Wang, Y..Spectral characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in surface sediments from an urban river with different outfalls.Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 2015, 24(1): 56-62


1. 水环境生物地球化学和污染水体

2. 土壤等自然环境生态修复技术

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